Pitch Competition
e/MTIC Conference 2022
Fast track to clinical innovation: the essentials
22 September 2022 @ 09:00-16:30 , Muziekgebouw Eindhoven
The PhD, PD, PDEng, and MSc. candidates are the heart of e/MTIC.
Today, research and innovation of e/MTIC projects are conducted by more than 130 young researchers, each supported by professors, scientists, clinicians and other professionals, of which several have a cross-organisational appointment.
Your vote counts!
During the e/MTIC conference, these six candidates will be given a platform to explain their research to the audience. To support them with their presentation, they will be trained by a pitch professional. The audience will choose the best pitcher during the competition.
The six pitchers are (L to R - top to bottom)
- Hans van Gorp (1st place - winner)
- Carlijn Buck (2nd place)
- Gabriele Varisco
- Mayke van Leunen
- Peter Lovei
- Phebe Berben (3rd place)
e/MTIC Conference - Fast track to clinical innovation: the essentials
Eindhoven Medtech Innovation Center (e/MTIC)emtic@tue.nl
Eindhoven Medtech Innovation Center (e/MTIC)emtic@tue.nlhttps://www.emtic-conference.nl
e/MTIC Conference - Fast track to clinical innovation: the essentialse/MTIC Conference - Fast track to clinical innovation: the essentials0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Muziekgebouw EindhovenMuziekgebouw EindhovenHeuvel 140 5611 DK Eindhoven Netherlands